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Journey to the heart of your Voice

Duration: 2 days

The voice is our most precious instrument and speakers usually do not spend enough time
tuning it. This training course will prepare your voice to take on the most famous auditor ia and the
biggest events.

I pitch my voice

A voice that trembles or tends to be shrill or breathing that is uncontrolled, all may easily
come to discredit you. The risk of encountering such a situation is eliminated thanks to our
techniques that master the rhythm, tune, volume of the voice.

I tune my voice

Our ears are our voice's best friend. Unfortunately, and for various reasons (too noisy town,
headphones, tiredness or emotional fatigue…), our ears switched to the “vigilance and
protection” mode. You learn how to recreate an efficient partnership between your ears and

I amplify my voice

Our body has natural resonant cavities that can help to project our voice. Due to the lack of
maintenance or practice, we too often leave it in ruins.
If the vocal muscles are trained, those cavities will open and finally you will discover the full
power of your voice.

I take care of my voice

We regularly put our voice to the test and, sometimes, to the breaking point. To be able to
face this, we reveal a magical tool to recover your voice.

March 11 and 12, 2022
excl. VAT
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