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Level 1 • Duration: 2 days

You have your presentation on your fingertips. You have drawn together a solid set of arguments. You have identified your defense to counter arguments. It is now time to press on to the most vital part of your pleading: the preparation of your vocal rendition. This course will enable you to lay down the foundations of a truly effective closing argument.

I make the best of my relationship with the audience

To be convincing you will first of all need to create a warm atmosphere and build a climate of confidence with your audience. This is achieved by close attention to the dialogue created between your body language and that of the audience. This course will assist you in turning this dialogue to your advantage.

I learn to put my voice to good use

Whereas we all possess a vocal instrument, there are but a few who have learned how best to play it. Nevertheless, a lawyer, just as an actor or singer, must become a virtuoso in the use of the voice. The exercises proposed on this course will teach you to pitch, improve, amplify and repair your voice.

I take control of my performance

Stage presence is an essential component of a successful career as a lawyer. An impactful stage presence requires a well-managed stage fright and aligned mental, physical and emotional intelligence. Our live examples, followed by video feedback, allow you to control our image.

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​​This training allowed me to go much further in an exercise in which I was already very comfortable. Thanks to the training, I come out enriched, impressed and transformed.

Impressed by the quality of Gilles Wiernik's trainer, the relevance of the tools given and the efficiency and benevolence of the pedagogy

Enriched on a personal level with the confidence that I can dare a (pleading or a) presentation that suits me, without being locked into the codes of my profession.

Here is a training that will surprise you.

Gilles Wiernik is THE person who allows you to go from fear to pleasure, from constraint to freedom and who, whatever stage you are in, allows you to go further. REMARKABLE !

 Séverine Evrard, lawyer at the Brussels Bar (Dec 2015)

This training, which I followed – at the Legal Service of the European Commission – was extremely useful to me during the 3 hearings in which I have participated since, including one during which I pleaded (in French). This is training that allows you to approach hearings in an even more professional way than a very good preparation for the hearing on the case itself, the elements of the file, the case law, etc.

I prepared my argument bearing in mind the 4 types of arguments... which really makes it possible to keep in the argument only the 3 to 5 ideas max that we want to leave in the heads of the judges after 15 minutes of pleading.

I also used abdominal breathing to control my stress, especially just before pleading.

I paid attention to my posture … and that gave me confidence, it anchored me in my act of pleading (“I am speaking to you on behalf of the Commission, and here is my message”).

I applied the rule of "first 20 gestures/first 20 seconds/first 20 words": I started my argument by constantly looking at the 3 judges, without looking at my paper (I had reviewed precisely what I wanted to say) and I realized that I really created contact with the judges, who listened to me very attentively afterwards.

I combined this with a catchphrase that spoke to everyone, especially since the subject was very technical. The question was, roughly speaking: does the "care package" (sums given by health insurance in France to an establishment caring for dependent elderly people because this establishment provides these elderly people with a certain amount of care basis) is subject to VAT?

Here is my opening statement:

“Two figures to situate the stakes of this case:

- in Europe, in 2060, the population aged 65 or over is expected to almost double and reach 151 million people, which will de facto lead to a sharp increase in the number of dependent elderly people;

- in France, each year, 5,000 places are created in accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people (hereinafter "EHPAD")."

In this case, we had also prepared our written submissions very well.

In any case, the judgment of the Court in this case (C-151/13) came down today, and it takes up our reasoning point by point, to reach the same conclusion as us.

Carine S.  (March 2015)

Dear Gilles,

Thanks to you, it was just a real miracle. It's not a joke... I didn't believe it until the last second before speaking and in the second that followed, everything changed. I have never received so many compliments in my life.

We should make your course compulsory in all law schools! Everything worked: breathing, moving around, downtime, eye contact, talking to someone, and above all reducing the flow! I was also helped by the vocal technique: no microphone to hold in hand. What happiness! 

Thank you very much and above all keep up the good work!

Pierre de Bruxelles ( Sept 2017)

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